Natural Facelift with Face Cupping

Looking for a natural facelift? This face cupping routine is going to help you to achieve just that. Decompress all your tissues and alow your face to lift with this quick and effective face cupping routine. Your face will feel and look amazing after this. Please, remember that it is crucial to practice muscular strengthening along with face cupping to achieve optimal results. Enjoy your practice. With love, Vânia Luz

Face Cupping using The Gliding Technique

This is the classic and best-known facial cupping technique. And for good reason. With this technique you can decompress the fascia and deep tissues, reduce facial tension, shape, hydrate and nourish your face. And you can even do lymphatic drainage. You will need a thick oil or balm to practice face cupping. The reason being is that it really helps the cup to glide better and to keep the succion going. Have fun. With Love, Vânia Luz

kleine (Büro-)Auszeit für Augen und Handgelenke

In dieser 30minütigen Einheit entspannst du deine Augen, wenn du lange am Bildschirm gearbeitet hast und deine Augen vielleicht müde sind und das Sehen dir anstrengend erscheint. Weiterhin mobilisierst du deine Handgelenke, die im Büro oft einseitig bewegt werden, was zu Enge und Schmerzen führen kann. Gönne deinen Augen und deinen Handgelenken diese Wohlfühleinheit. Vielleicht sogar zwischendurch am Schreibtisch